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Empowerment Unlimited
How does Empowerment Unlimited Affirm Leadership?

'The Connection Circle'
Empowerment Unlimited (EU), offers consulting and facilitation services to schools, organizations, both for profit and non-profit, and individuals looking to explore and enhance their leadership potential. Valuing unique strengths and dreams, we custom design what we do with each of our clients. The use of Appreciative Inquiry and other empowering methodologies affirms the positive and awakens the potential for leadership in us all.
Vision & Mission Statements

'Appreciate Inquiry Dialogue in the Garden'
EU believes peace is possible and worth striving for and the way to best achieve it, personally and globally, is by working to affirm the leader in each of us.
To explore, create and design ways for leadership to be an empowering and shared experience.
EU believes peace is possible and worth striving for and the way to best achieve it, personally and globally, is by working to affirm the leader in each of us.
To explore, create and design ways for leadership to be an empowering and shared experience.
Our Understandings
- Generative dialogue is a powerful tool for creating understanding, connection and shared vision.
- Appreciative Inquiry provides a framework that moves people from a problem solving mentality to a possibility creating one.
- Appreciative Leadership is an exciting, emerging synergistic state of organizational being that is worth pursuing and sharing.
- People need and love play which enhances performance.
- Ritual and developing good habits matter.
- Empowerment takes work, energy and time.
- Stories are a powerful way of learning and need to be invited, told and listened to.
- Courageous leadership involves risk, care and always seeking what is best for the children and for us.
- The "power of one" is an awesome force and more so when used in symphony with others.