Please add your comments to the first inquiry to be answered BEFORE you begin the read:
Are there any "transforming leaders" out there that come to mind when you read the book title?
Who are they and what attributes or characteristics do they have that bring them to your mind?"
By November 15th
To have read Part One: Transformational Thinking for Twenty-First-Century Leaders and responded to the guiding question: "Which of the readings in this section did you find the most interesting and why?" (and any one else's responses).
By December 15th
To have read Part Two: Being the Change: Inner Work for Transforming Leaders and responded to the guiding question: "Which of the readings in this section did you find the most interesting and why?" (and any one else's responses).
By January 15th
To have read Part Three: The Art of Working with and Transforming Groups and responded to the guiding question: "Which of the readings in this section did you find the most interesting and why?" (and any one else's responses).
Are there any "transforming leaders" out there that come to mind when you read the book title?
Who are they and what attributes or characteristics do they have that bring them to your mind?"
By November 15th
To have read Part One: Transformational Thinking for Twenty-First-Century Leaders and responded to the guiding question: "Which of the readings in this section did you find the most interesting and why?" (and any one else's responses).
By December 15th
To have read Part Two: Being the Change: Inner Work for Transforming Leaders and responded to the guiding question: "Which of the readings in this section did you find the most interesting and why?" (and any one else's responses).
By January 15th
To have read Part Three: The Art of Working with and Transforming Groups and responded to the guiding question: "Which of the readings in this section did you find the most interesting and why?" (and any one else's responses).